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Are you going bald? Read this to understand your options

Posted by health and lifestyle on Wednesday, March 25

Are you going bald? Read this to understand your options

Are you going bald? Read this to understand your options. Some men and women start going bald at a very young age but don't even notice at first. Because we lose between 100-150 hairs a day, you won't even take note when you lose a few extra. Unfortunately, over time, it will become apparent that your hair is thinning and possibly could lead to baldness. In most cases, going bald is hereditary. In this case, hair loss will be permanent. There are instances where baldness is caused by a medical condition that has not been diagnosed. In these cases, there is a chance that hair thinning or baldness is not permanent. Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is where the hairline starts receding and eventually leads to no hair on the top of the head, only a fringe around the sides, is hereditary. Sorry, there is likely no chance hair will grow back naturally on its own.

Areata alopecia, an autoimmune disease, can also cause hair loss and balding from the scalp and the entire body. In some cases, this hair loss can be temporary. It a lot of cases, this disease can be triggered by a virus or some other reaction your body had. There are other reasons why both men and women loss their hair. Stress is a big contributor in thinning hair. Stress has been known to cause chunks of hair to fall out all at once. This is a serious situation and you need to consult your doctor immediately. If you are low on certain vitamins and minerals, this can cause hair loss as well. This situation is easily treatable but it must be diagnosed properly first. 

Men and women both experience pattern baldness. In women however, it is most often serious thinning of the hair versus complete hair loss like in men. If this is happening to you, you do have some options. You can choose a hair piece or extensions where natural or synthetic hair is woven in with your own to create a full looking head of hair. This is often referred to as non-surgical hair replacement techniques. Your other option is hair transplant surgery. Today, surgeons can create wonderful looking, natural hair using improved procedures. It is a slow process done one hair at a time but the results are quite amazing. Many people who have had this procedure are extremely pleased and have stated that they feel better about themselves and are more confident. If this how you want to feel, hair transplants may be for you.

About the author:
Amy-Jo Strutt is an expert author who regularly contributes to http://www.hair-loss-treatment-remedy.com For complete information on hair loss solutions, hair loss prevention, male pattern baldness and hair transplants, visit http://www.hair-loss-treatment-remedy.com/baldness.html

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