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Some Tips to Stop Smoking

Posted by health and lifestyle on Friday, March 13

Healthy Lifestyle Some Tips to Stop Smoking

Healthy Lifestyle, As we know, cigarette smoke is not only harmful to the health of the smoker, but also those who are forced to inhale cigarette smoke, including children.

Despite being aware of the negative health effects of cigarettes, but not a bit of smokers who find it difficult to stop his smoking habit, even when the intention stops have been proposed. Here are some tips that might be worth trying to start stopping the intake of nicotine and a number of other toxins into our bodies. This some tips to stop smoking :

1. Stop without load
Have no intention to quit smoking is already a big step which is very meaningful. Begin preparing to carry out the intentions of the no-load and do not be too ambitious. Why? Because if we feel burdened with the intention and our ambition, our mind becomes calm and this can further trigger the urge to smoke. Reduce smoking gradually, if it can not be stopped completely.

2. Calm the hearts and minds
As mentioned above, mood and thoughts turned out to greatly affect the desire to smoke, because it turns out the chemical content of cigarettes smoked can act as an antidepressant in the brain. To that end, to live in peace and solve all problems thoroughly, so that the heart and the mind becomes calm.

3. Avoid people who are smoking
One of the hardest things in the process of quitting smoking is when seeing people around us smoke. Even looking at the scene were smoking on TV became feels tempting. So, for a while there might be nice if we slightly reduce the intensity of hanging out with friends who are smokers. Rather heavy indeed, but worth a try.

4. Find a substitute for cigarettes
Smoking is sometimes just a matter of habit. Then why do we not try to change the habit? When we had finished eating smoked, may now be replaced with a cup of coffee or tea. Get used also bagged sweets, as a substitute for cigarettes.

5. Do not be too constraining
If it really can not be detained, enjoy it stuffs up a cigarette and no more, because sometimes it is better than our thoughts continue to be obsessed with cigarettes.

6. Discipline
Disciplined with yourself is actually the most important points. All the promises and plans that we run to start smoking cessation can only work well if we are disciplined and fulfill a promise to ourselves.

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