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How to Either Dispose of Medications That are not Used

Posted by health and lifestyle on Friday, March 13

Green Lifestyle How to Either Dispose of Medications That are not Used

Green Lifestyle, We already buy and Consuming Drugs Wisely To Reduce Hazardous Waste, but still there are drugs that ultimately unused.

So whether the drug should be thrown away?
Maybe we do not realize that throwing away the drug turns into a dangerous environment as well as remove toxins. There are certain medications that will break down into toxic, dangerous not only for flora and fauna, but also for our own.
Several types of drugs such as antibiotics, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-worm, etc., if they hit the ground will cause an imbalance of flora and fauna in the soil micro, because it can kill microorganisms normal.
In addition, specific to antibiotics, may cause harmful microorganisms immune to the antibiotics.
In addition, drugs that dumped former will contaminate groundwater. Or are discharged into waterways eventually flow into the sea, contaminating fish and other sea creatures that ultimately goes into our stomach.
So, what can we do to drugs that have not (can) be consumed?
Most importantly, do not throw away medicine in the trash, because it can be resold by irresponsible parties and of course very dangerous for the health of others.
For vitamins and minerals, can be used as fertilizer. How, when the capsule, the capsule contents removed. If the form of tablets, crushed beforehand. Then sprinkle the drug powder to the plant.
For vitamins and minerals liquid can be poured directly into the plant.
Collect drugs that have been unused. After a bit much, Leave to pharmacies, hospitals, or drug factory. These parties usually perform routine destruction of the stock of medication that is outdated.
If the number of tablets / capsules that have expired are very large quantities, can also be deposited in the cement plant, to be used as a cement mixture.
Do not forget to throw first drug packaging. For example, a sticker on the bottle torn, cut packaging box. This is to prevent counterfeiting, because it could have taken the drug berstiker bottle scavengers and subsequently filled counterfeit drugs
The rest of the drugs will not be used anymore, but it has not expired, may be submitted to the charity that organized free medical treatment. The drug should still good condition. This means that the tablet / capsule still in the container (strips, blister) unopened, while for liquid medicine, unopened bottle cap.

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