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Herbs medicine for Men and Women

Posted by health and lifestyle on Friday, March 27

Herbs medicine for Men and Women

Herbs medicine. Herbs are plants that have utility in the treatment or more values. In other words, all kinds of plants that contain the active substance or substances which are useful for the treatment can be classified as herbs.
Herbs medicine is a drug that is organic or natural. Herbs medicine is taken from the pith of plants or animals that have benefits for treatment without any mixture of artificial chemicals (synthetic).

Herbal remedies various properties. There are some good herbs consumed by men and women, such as:

1. Black cumin or Black Seed (NIGELA sativa)
- Strengthen the immune system against viruses, germs and bacteria.
- Maintaining the body against cancer and HIV
-Menyembuhkan Various types of respiratory diseases are bronchial asthma, bronchitis, easy fatigue, chronic cough and other respiratory diseases
- Coping with sleep disorders and stress
- As an antihistamine and anti-allergy
- Coping with vaginal discharge in women

2. Garlic (Allium sativum)
- Contains essential oils that are useful as antibacterial and antiseptic
- Contains allicin and power aliin useful as anti-cholesterol to prevent coronary heart disease and high blood pressure
- There is a calcium that is soothing to the prevention of hypertension
- Accelerate the growth of cells and tissues and stimulates nerve cell structure
- Cure hemorrhoids / piles
- Increases stamina and physical strength of men that are not easily tired and not susceptible to colds

3. Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
- Helps prevent cancer
- Helps digestion becomes better
- Helps you lose weight
- Relieves gas / flatulence and pain Kholik
- Brighten skin
- Creating a more powerful man
- Reduce menstrual pain / menstrual

4. Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorhizza)
- Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), antibacterial, antihepatotoksik (antiliver), anti-cholesterol, anti-cancer and platelet aggregation (blood clots that cause a stroke), anticancer breast
- Improving appetite and digestion
- Maintaining liver function
- Reduce joint pain and bone
- Lower levels of fat in the blood
- Generating a passion for men that helps domestic harmony

5. Ginger (Zingeber officinale)
- Blood circulation
- Treating digestive disorders and irritable bowel
- Treating migraine
- Reduce fever and cough
- Make a man's body became mighty
- Reduces nausea when on the move and overcome morning sickness in pregnant women
- Helpful for people with arthritis and osteoarthritis
- Lose weight

6. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia)
- Blood circulation
- Treating sick with malaria
- Increase the passion and vitality in men
- Prevent cancer, antileukimia
- Boost immunity to HIV

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